Saturday, September 8, 2007

Fair Food 2007

Ah, the State Fair...Cows, Carnies and Corn Dogs. Sad to say, the primary reason I brave the white trash crowds and ridiculous heat each year is to eat my way through all the fair food. Each year I have sampled the trendy food of the moment, from fried oreos, twinkies, or avocados, to more traditional stuff like lemonade and corn dogs. The main culinary edible this year was Fried Coke. Yes, a fried soda. From what I gathered, the soda syrup was mixed with batter and fried (can't mix water and hot oil), then more syrup was drizzled over it and topped with whipped cream and a cherry. Frugal me couldn't fathom spending $5.95 on a cup of fried batter, so I went with the next big item: the Fried Elvis Sandwich. For the same price, I got a peanut butter and banana sanwich on white Wonder bread dipped in batter and deep fried to golden perfection. It wasn't much to look at, but inside it was creamy and peanut-y and there was a nice crisp crunch to each bite. Talk about rich on the hips, I think I ate about half of it then gave up. But I DID IT, and that was all the mattered.

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